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Chinese Food Wok Best Love

Seasoning a Wok with Ease

	Seasoning a wok is the best way to prepare for convenient and conventional
	  cooking. It is more of an art and less of an earthly task.

	woks are prone to rust and buildups of sticky foods, especially if not
	  seasoned properly before usage. Seasoning a wok permits the food
	  to glide smoothly over its surface. Iron and steel woks should be
	  seasoned properly before use.

	Stainless steel types need to be treated because they are less porous
	  than iron. Corn and peanut oil are also ideal cooking oils for seasoning
	  because they possess a high heating point. Some even prefer to
	  season woks with the use of an oven.

	Here are the things needed to season a wok:
	  - Barbecue brush or a heat-proof cooking brush
	  - Paper Towels
	  - A bottle of peanut or corn oil.
	  - Stove top/gas stove
	  - Excellent ventilation

	To start the process, two methods for seasoning are used. The first
	  method is to season a new one or to re-season an old and rusty wok.
	  Below are steps you can follow:
	1. Scrub thoroughly the inside and outside surfaces using soap and
	  a steel wool scouring pad. It will remove the new wok's manufacturer's
	  protective coating or even rust on an old wok. The initial coating of a
	  wok prevents rusting during retail display.

	2. Rinse with water.

	3. For some coatings that are hard to remove, place the wok on a stove
	  with water. Boil until the protective coating dissolves. Pour the water
	  out and scrub with soap and steel wool.

	4. Next, heat the wok over high heat until the edges are nice and hot. It will
	  change from a shiny steel gray to blue, then purple to red. Then it will turn
	  into black.

	5. Smoke will appear. Turn on the ventilation fan.

	6. Using a brush or a sheet of wadded-up paper towel, dip it into corn oil
	  and coat the inside surface with a thin layer of oil. You can tilt the oil in
	  all directions. This can make the surface shine upon each application.

	7. Reduce the heat to low volume and let it sit for about 15 minutes for it
	  to absorb the oil. Color changes will continue in time, especially with
	  frequent usage.

	8. Turn off the heat and allow cooling down onto room temperature before
	  you start the next round of seasoning. Wipe out excess oils with a paper
	  towel when it cools. Do not use cold water when cooling the wok. It can
	  damage and undo the process. Hence, cool the wok with boiling or very
	  hot water. Wipe it with a sponge.

	9. Dry the wok thoroughly and store.

	10. Repeat the process for about 3 to 4 times more. A beautiful black sheen
	  will happen with proper usage.

	Another method is to brush the wok with polyunsaturated cooking oil on
	  the surface and place it in an oven. This will take about four hours at 150
	  degrees Celsius. Every hour, brush the wok with oil around the sides and
	  continue heating. woks with plastic and wooden handles are not advisable
	  to put inside an oven.

	For continuous care
	  Do not scrub off the protective layer of carbon on the surface of the wok.
	  Scouring pads and detergent soaps are the worst enemies of a seasoned
	  wok. It is best to wash it with hot water and clean the surface with bamboo
	  brush. Dry this with paper towels and lightly put vegetable oil coating
	  before storing.

	The bottom part of the wok can be scoured with steel wool so as to take
	  away the burnt materials or residue. If there is an accidental burning of
	  food inside the wok, scour it out and re-season the wok again.

	woks that are new may cause a slight metallic taste onto the first two or 
	  three dishes. The metallic taste disappears after several usages. A wok
	  with proper seasoning can make perfect omelets without sticking. For
	  better results, the process of seasoning a wok should be done with patience.
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