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Sushi Recipe
	Sushi is a delicious, healthy and easy to prepare food. Deciding on and
	  finding your ingredients, preparing the beautiful presentation,
	  and enjoying your creation are all part of the fun of sushi. Finding a great
	  sushi recipe is the first step in putting together a wonderful meal.

	Sushi, traditionally, refers to rice, but it has developed to include the whole
	  concept of the finger food. It commonly is a fish or vegetable, served with
	  vinegar rice. A sushi recipe can be presented in several ways.
	  Some common ways are wrapped in seaweed, served in a bowl, in bite
	  size pieces or in a cone type wrap. Wide ranges of vegetables, seafood,
	  and shellfish are used throughout a sushi recipe.

	There are some common ingredients that you should always have on hand
	  to prepare a good sushi recipe. These include seaweed, called nori, rice,
	  and sushi vinegar. These are the base ingredients you will need to start
	  with for any sushi recipe. Several sauces such as soy sauce, and wasabi;
	  a spicy paste like substance, are commonly served with sushi to enhance
	  the flavor. Common vegetables in a sushi recipe include carrots, cucumber,
	  peppers, and avocado. Common seafood used in sushi recipes are crab,
	  salmon, octopus, and shrimp. This is by no means an exhaustive list of
	  what you can use in your sushi recipe. The sky is the limit. Get creative as
	  you like with your sushi recipe.

	Where can you find a good sushi recipe? There are several great places
	  where you can find a good sushi recipe. A great place to start is the
	  Internet. By doing a quick search through a search engine for sushi
	  recipe, you can find some great websites that will provide you with a
	  great sushi recipe. Often, they will provide you with detailed pictures
	  and instructions that can help when preparing your sushi recipe.
	  Also, try bookstores for their cookbook selections or local sushi
	  restaurants to see if they will share their sushi recipe.

	There are several pieces of kitchen equipment that can help you in
	  preparing a sushi recipe. One of the most important pieces of
	  equipment is a sharp knife. A sharp knife is essential in cutting
	  and preparing the ingredients for your sushi recipe. It will allow
	  you to cut your fish into thin slices, slice vegetables into attractive
	  shapes and designs, and do all of these with ease. Another very
	  helpful piece of equipment is a bamboo mat, traditionally called
	  sushimaki sudare or makisu. This mat is what you use when you
	  roll your sushi such as in a California roll. It is possible to roll with
	  your hands, but the rice can be very sticky, so the mat can help
	  eliminate a little frustration while preparing your sushi recipe.
	  Other equipment such as rice cookers and sushi presses can
	  also help make the preparation quicker, but they are not essential
	  for preparing a good sushi recipe.

	A final touch in the presentation of your sushi recipe is the plates and
	 dishes you serve them on and the utensils that you use to eat them.
	 Patterned china dishes, saucers, and cups are a beautiful touch.
	 You can also use matching dispensers for items such as soy sauce.
	 Often, chopsticks are used when eating sushi. Chopsticks come in all
	 styles from wooded to metal and can complement your presentation
	 beautifully. You can also eat sushi with your fingers, so make sure to
	 have some nice matching napkins with the dishes.

	It is easy to find the ingredients you need to complete your sushi recipe.
	  Sushi recipes generally use basic ingredients that can be found easily.
	  Many of the ingredients, if not all, can be purchased at most local
	  grocery stores. If your grocery store does not carry what you need,
	  try asking them to bring it in. Many companies will bring in supplies
	  that are requested by their customers. For more complicated recipes
	  that require special ingredients, many Asian specialty stores carry
	  the more obscure ingredients on a regular basis. These stores can
	  provide hard to find sushi recipe ingredients, often directly from
	  Asian suppliers. A final option for finding your sushi recipe
	  ingredients is online. There are countless websites that you can use
	  to order everything from your good ingredients to equipment to
	  finishing touches such as utensils.

	Sushi is a wonderful food style. It's fun to follow a sushi recipe and see
	  your final result. Many people consider preparing a sushi recipe an art
	  form. It can be an exciting addition to your family dinner or an impressive
	  dinner party concept. With a great sushi recipe, you can make out
	  standing delicacies. It can be a great bonding event; gather the family
	  together and everyone can make their own sushi dish. Grab your sushi
	  recipe, your ingredients, your equipment, and have some fun.
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